Saturday, October 10, 2020

NEW HOPE -- WE can DO IT COLAC! . Over 10 years since the last post

The big night in proved it eh   For more good news click here 

The latests news i
s about Councils complete incompetence in coastal management  
Long standing counsellors have failed completely to do what makes economic and practical sense to protect the beaches and tourists in Apollo Bay North . Nearly 20 years after they were first told of a way forward,   they have failed to do it.
.Details are in the page advertised to the right."Think about this counsellor"     

I will try not to bore you,  but I am only writing here  on this old site  in the midst of Council Elections because normal postings of mine as Author have been taken down by several local  Facebook groups . 

I wonder who or whom is responsible and why ? I don't know why.   
You can see even just a few posts back that our money five and ten years back was being used to limit freedom of speech in our Shire . Ten years ago  we were told that COT shire was badly administered and yet we seem not to be able to talk about it still in 2020, Why aren't we able to really question and assess the performance of people who work for us?  

Its Ok under our law to be personal in your comments  provided you are talking performance in public office and/or  asking questions
. Please support or question those of us who make claims about poor performance in office. 

Fortunately in October 2020 we in Colac Otway have a good number of candidates  who won't just be corralled and snowed incessantly by what looks white or right, but will bring their wisdom of experience with them. 


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