Its 29th December 2011 . Its now 2 years on from the biggest preventable natural disaster of the new millennium at Marysville where over 150 people died from being where they should not have been in a bushfire. It seems we have learnt very little because
Our public spokesman speak with forked tongues about risk and what they have done about that risk . After saying safer places didn't exist and weren't presumably going to be created Rob Small; has just yesterday listed some safer places.
Last month there were no safer places, but this week Rob Small is saying there are some ; Its easier when no one else is speaking up, to say nothing: last week Surfcoast Shire spoke up and nominated exactly where several were.
Rob Small is not credible about the reasons he hasn't named and created safer places in the Shire. Is the implication in his statement recorded in the CH on December 28th that it is hard to design a safer place, or is it , just , in his opinion, so very hard to cut some trees down? His oft repeated claim that his staff are always too busy doing more important things (like tree preservation )just doesn't mesh with his so called concern for people; The job should have been done before now !
The reality is that if we are going to protect people on roads, more open space areas will need to be created and nominated alongside roads . The job of the Shire is not only to name the places of last resort , but to create them.and the directions to them . Why is it so late in the season that , after months of saying we haven't got any places of last resort we might suddenly get some? Until the government stop shurking the responsibility and saying nothing , I have listed some places of last resort for visitors to the area on
Labels: bushfire, risk .otways