Saturday, November 06, 2010

Why I am standing for FF and why I think you should too

I love to talk green, 

but I object to those who talk about “what’s gotta happen” in conservation when they just don’t know; when parties use my chosen profession to wield all sorts of rubbish on farmers, investors and the people; when politicians play up to that same rubbish; when our world is corrupted by forcing people and parties to do things that are not going to really cut to something sustainable. A lot of the token gestures on environment will cost our children .A lot of the wastage in playing football with complex issues and using the environment as a political badge is  NOT really in our children’s interest . That’s why I am standing for Family First, and I think you should too! 
Put me first and your favoured major party second and you too will help make our country more like the proper representative democracy it ought to be. 


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